Student Handbook
Sylvester Middle School’s Behavior Expectations: Purpose, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Empathy
- Sylverster Middle School's Behavior Expectations
- Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
- Associated Student Body (ASB)
- Assemblies
- Athletics & Activities
- Attendance
- Bicycle/Helmet Policy
- Book Bags/Backpacks
- Buy/Sell Policy
- Cafeteria Behavior Expectations and Procedures
- Closed Campus
- Student Cell Phone Policy
- Computers
- Communication
- Discipline Consequences
- Dress Code
- Ending The Day
- Energy Drinks and Other Caffeinated Beverages
- Fees/Fines
- Fighting/Fighting Involvement
- Fire Alarm Tampering
- Graphing Calculators
- Hall Behavior Expectations
- High Risk or Disruptive Non-Essential School Items
- Lending and Borrowing Items at School
- View Academic Progress Online
- Report Cards
- Teacher Classroom Expectations
- Textbooks
- Visitors on Campus
- Student Conduct Code
- Sylvester Middle School Rules & Code of Ethics for Computer Users
- Highline School District's Student Acceptable use policy (AUP)
Sylverster Middle School's Behavior Expectations
- Mr. Chad Kodama Principal
- Ms. Lori Mcewen Assistant Principal
- Ms. Cathy DaCosta Office Manager
- Ms. Angela Misa Bookkeeper
- Ms. Michelle Drayer Attendance Specialist
- Ms. Danae Winter Registrar
- Ms. Rachel Raff Counselor (6th)
- Ms. Christine Hagerty Counselor (7th)
- Mr. Mike Provenzano Counselor (8th)
Red shorts or sweatpants and a gray or white T-shirt is the recommended uniform for all physical education classes. School PE uniforms are available for sale at the school office. PE uniforms sell for $20.00.
Pictures will be taken within the first 4 weeks of school. A variety of package sizes and prices will be available from the photographer. Make-up day will be provided.
The school yearbook is pre-sold in the fall and distributed in June. Students entering school later in the year will have the opportunity to purchase a yearbook, in the Spring, if available.
Common Area 7:40 - 8:00am – Welcoming Bell
8:05am – School starts
- September 2 Labor Day
- November 11 Veterans Day observed
- November 28 - 29 Thanksgiving Holiday
- December 23 - Jan 3 Winter Break
- January 20 M.L. King, Jr. Day
- February 17 President’s Day
- April 7 - 11 Spring Break
- May 26 Memorial Day
- June 19 Juneteenth
No School Days
- Winter Break: December 23 - Jan 3
- Mid-Winter: Break February 14
- Spring Break: April 7 - April 11
Conference days, End of Semester, and additional non-school days to be determined. Refer to Student Calendar on Highline School District Website for additional information.
Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
Our Schools Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying. Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. This section defines HIB, explains what to do when you see or experience it, and our school’s process for responding to it.
Associated Student Body (ASB)
The Associated Student Body (ASB) at Sylvester Middle School is a student-run government made up of a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary from the 8th grade class. This team of students also referred to as the executive council is elected by the student body. The ASB works as a voice for students. The ASB will make decisions and address issues that affect the students and the school. Some examples are discussing school policies, assemblies and all-school celebrations. The ASB works with principals, teachers and other executive members to be leaders in building school spirit. Elections are held at the end of the year for 7th graders, who will be the 8th grade leaders at Sylvester the following school year. If you would like
to run for one of these positions you must have a 2.5 GPA or higher.
Throughout a non-covid impacted year, the staff and students of Sylvester plan and present a variety of assemblies. Students are to walk quietly behind their teachers to the gymnasium or other assembly location. Students are expected to follow the directions of staff members directing the seating for the assembly. When filling the bleachers or chairs each student is asked to move in and fill all spots to allow for seating for everyone. Students are expected to follow the PBIS assembly expectations. Students are expected to dismiss as directed and in an orderly fashion.
Athletics & Activities
Sylvester Middle School encourages participation in a variety of in-school and after-school activities. Activities may include: yearbook club, games club, drama club, chess club, photography, cooking, arts & crafts, opera club, and homework support club. PTSA sponsored all-school parties are held during the school year. After school activity buses are available to transport participating students who live in the Sylvester service area (see schedule in main office).
A full intramural program is available for all students at Sylvester. See the sports matrix below for offered athletics. Each season is approximately eight weeks long with the first four weeks as intramurals (everyone plays) with emphasis on participation and including some skill work. During the second four weeks players are selected for the team to play games with the other middle schools. ASB cards are required for sports participants, including during intramurals. After being selected for the team athletic pay-to-play fees apply.
Athletic Participation Requirements
- Pre-participation physicals are required.
- Physicals are good for 24 months and may not expire during the season.
- Sports registration is online at
- Reduction of Participation Fee: Students qualifying for free or reduced lunch are eligible for a reduction of the athletics participation fee.
Season |
Boys |
Girls |
One |
Track and Field* |
Track and Field* |
Two |
Basketball |
Soccer |
Three |
Wrestling* |
Basketball |
Four |
Tackle Football – 8th Graders only |
Volleyball |
Please note: Sports marked with an asterisk (*) are the only sports permissible by WIAA for 6th grade student participation. Students participating in or attending after school activities must adhere to the school wide policies of being safe, respectful and responsible. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
Because students involved in athletics and activities perform and represent their schools in public, they are expected to always conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect the high standards and ideals of their activity, team, school, and community. The secondary schools in the Highline School District are committed to promoting the well-being, personal development, and successful performance of all their students.
- Behavior: The response to participants who receive referrals is listed below. The first 2 steps may be skipped depending on the severity of the referral.
- First referral – Warning (Parent contact and conversation with student)
- Second referral – 1 game suspension
- Third referral – Participant is removed from the team
- Attendance: A student who is not in school for their full scheduled school day will not be allowed to practice, play, or attend a game/activity on that day. Exceptions are dental and medical appointments, court appearances, family emergencies, and school sponsored or related activities approved in advance by a building administrator.
- Students marked truant during a season will not be allowed to participate in a practice or game that day. Excessive tardies (2 or more) will result in a participant missing half of the next upcoming game. If a participant continues to have excessive tardies or marked truant, a family meeting will be scheduled. Participants that are marked tardy for 2 or more class periods on a game day will not be allowed to participate in the game. Student spectators marked truant or tardy to 2 or more classes on a game day will not be allowed to attend a game.
- Academic: To be eligible to compete/perform, students must be passing all classes. The participant will remain ineligible until such time as he/she meets the minimum academic standard. Every student is required to complete two grade check forms per season.
- Students declared ineligible for competition may only participate in practice and may not travel with the team, sit on the bench, wear the uniform, take part in warm-ups or in any other way participate with the team before, during, or after competition.
ATTENDANCE (206-631-6009)
Regular and punctual attendance at school is very important for students in order to achieve maximum benefit from the school program. Participation in class activities and student/teacher interaction is critical to student mastery of course content and the achievement of academic objectives. A student is considered chronically absent, and therefore less likely to pass classes or graduate on time, with only two (2) absences per month or eighteen (18) absences per school year. In recognition of the responsibility of parent(s)/guardian(s) and the legal obligation of the compulsory school attendance law, RCW28A.225 (for more details on this and other policies please see the Highline School District website), for monitoring the school attendance of children under their care, Sylvester Middle School has established rules, regulations, and procedures for controlling absenteeism, truancy, and tardiness of students. These procedures include informing and involving the parent(s)/guardian(s) in the resolution of such problems. Updates to attendance policy will be communicated to Sylvester families.
For the purpose of these attendance regulations, absenteeism is defined as: Any absence from school for the majority of hours or periods in an average school day, or the failure to comply with alternative learning experience program attendance requirements. The following procedures need to be completed when a student is absent:
- For every student absence, the parent(s)/guardian(s) is expected to notify the school office on the morning of the absence by phone, e-mail or written note and to provide the excuse for the absence. If no excuse is provided with the notification, or no notification is provided, the parent/guardian will submit an excuse via phone, e-mail or written note upon the student’s return to school. An unexcused absence becomes truancy after 48 hours.
- If an absence other than illness is anticipated, students need to make arrangements in advance. A note from parents stating the reason for the absence, including the inclusive dates, is to be brought to the attendance office prior to the day of the absence.
- Students absent from school on a given day are not allowed to participate in extracurricular activities that day or evening without permission from an administrator.
Excused absences: These are defined as absences that are excused by the parent/guardian with a written note, e-mail, and/or phone call indicating the date of the absence and the reason. Teachers will give students the opportunity to complete and receive credit for all assigned work missed during an excused absence. Students are expected to obtain the missed class work within 2 days of the student’s return to school, the teacher is not obligated to provide makeup work or extra credit. NOTE: Students accumulating an excessive number of excused absences will be required to present additional documentation regarding the absences. Failure to do so will result in the absences being considered truancy.
Unexcused Absences: Any absence from school for the majority of hours or periods in an average school day, or the failure to comply with alternative learning experience program attendance requirements and that the parent has not informed the school of a valid basis for the absence within two school days after the absence. The school may refuse to acknowledge a parental excuse if the absenteeism was unnecessarily prolonged and potentially harmful to the child’s academic progress. Unexcused absences not cleared within 2 days of a student’s return to school become truancies.
Truancy: Is defined as failure to attend school, without an excused absence, for at least seven days in one month or 10 in a year. Students might not be given the opportunity to make up work or tests for credit. Truancy is further defined as not reporting to school when your parent expects or believes you are there or not reporting to an assigned area after arrival on campus.
Truancy consequences:
Truancy issues will be handled as per state regulations outlined in the BECCA BILL.
It is the responsibility of the student to request make-up work from his/her teacher. Requests must be made within two days after the student returns to school. Teachers are responsible for providing the work and/or making arrangements for tests or quizzes within the limits outlined above. Teachers may provide alternate assignments or tests that are of equal value to the work that the student missed. For additional information about make-up work, due dates, students and/or parents should contact individual teachers before school, after school, or during teacher planning periods at (206) 631-6000. Parents may also contact teacher by e-mail. See district website for more info.
Tardiness: Tardy shall be defined as being late to school or class. Frequent tardies may result in student being required to serve one or more lunch detentions. A robo-call will go out to parents of students that have an unexcused tardy or unexcused absence during the school day. To excuse a tardy to school, a parent/guardian needs to call the attendance office, send an email, or send a note with the student excusing the tardy.
If students receive…
- 3 or more tardies in a day, then they will have lunch detention the following day and you will be contacted.
- 3 lunch detentions in a two-week span, we will request that their families come in for a family meeting to make a plan to improve tardies.
- 8 lunch detentions in a two-week span, we will request to find a time before or after school for students to stay and engage in an attendance workshop.
- 20 tardies after a family meeting, they will be put on no pass, which means that teachers will need to call for an escort for students needing to leave during class for any reason.
Similarly, if students are truant, meaning skipping class, they will follow a similar progression...
- If truant once, you will be contacted
- If truant twice, they will participate in lunch detention and family will be contacted
- If truant three times, a family meeting will be held to make a plan
Bicycle/Helmet Policy
Washington State law and Highline School District Policy state that all persons riding bicycles must wear a helmet. Students riding skateboards and scooters must also wear a helmet. Riders must have bicycle locks with which to secure bikes to the provided bike racks. Bicycles may not be secured to any building or railing other than those specifically designated for bikes. Neither the school nor the district will be responsible for damage to bicycles or equipment brought to school. Bicycles, skateboards and scooters are to be walked on and off the school grounds, skateboards are allowed on the bus as long as they’re secured in a bag.
Book Bags/Backpacks
Buy/Sell Policy
Cafeteria Behavior Expectations and Procedures
Goal: Our Sylvester Cafeteria will be a safe, clean, and welcoming environment where all people interact with courtesy and respect.
Cafeteria Procedures:
- Students leave the classroom and have four minutes to go directly to the cafeteria while walking, and without disrupting classes.
- Students will enter the cafeteria through the west (street side) doors of the 300 Bldg.
- Students will line up in one of the two serving lines. “Cutting” in line or “saving places” for friends is not allowed and may result in disciplinary consequences.
- Greet kitchen workers in a positive, respectful manner when you get lunch items, promptly select a table and remain seated while in the cafeteria. Visit appropriately with those at your table.
- If a mess like a spill is made, get assistance from an adult supervisor to find cleaning material.
- All food and beverages will be kept in the cafeteria or designated eating area. Our goal is to keep our Sylvester campus free of trash.
- No food delivery services will be permitted for students.
- After eating, trash, compost, and recyclables will be properly disposed of via the appropriate bin, and tray’s will be placed in the designated place, or to the dish window. You may then remain at a table in the cafeteria to visit with friends or participate in available lunchtime activities. All other areas are restricted during lunch except if given a pass to go to another location.
Cafeteria Expectations:
- Listen for and follow adult directions.
- Leave the cafeteria better than was found.
- Use appropriate language with others.
- Waiting patiently to get food.
- Taking responsibility for one’s own actions.
- Planning time to take care of needs, such as eating, going to the restroom, and socializing.
- Consider who is affected when you leave a mess.
- Creating an inviting space for everyone.
- Taking only what is planned to eat.
Lunch time activities:
During lunch the gym will be opened for lunchtime activities. The goal of this experience is to provide students with opportunities to engage in safe and supervised physical play during the lunch break time.
Closed Campus
Once students arrive at school (this includes being dropped off by school bus or by family, and by walking) they may not leave campus prior to the end of the day without permission, and then, only by signing out in the attendance office or main office. Even though students may arrive very early before school, once here they may not leave campus or they will be considered truant. In addition, once a student leaves campus at the end of the day, they may not return without parent permission.
Student Cell Phone Policy
Sylvester Middle School is a Phone free Zone for students from 8:05-2:35.
In the morning at the start of class students will be asked to put their devices away.
During the day 8:05 – 2:35 staff is expected to collect phones from students that are using them for any reason, unless authorized by a staff member.
When the office receives the phone for the first infraction the students can take the letter home and bring it back any time after it is signed by the parent or guardian. The second infraction will result in the office keeping the phone until the parent or guardian comes to retrieve it. If there is a third infraction, there will be a family meeting scheduled to discuss support for keeping the phone away during school hours.
During after school activities and sports, students will be asked to put their devices away.
For questions regarding this policy, please inquire with our office staff.
Computers are an integral part of Sylvester’s instructional programs. Before computers are used, students and parents will be expected to have read the Highline School District Electronic Information Systems User Agreement and have signed the Acceptable Use Policy and signature page in this Planner on pages 11-12.
Important communication to students will be read in daily announcements, posted at the main entrance, and published on the monitor in the cafeteria. It is suggested that students have a pencil or pen handy during the reading of the announcements so that they can record information pertaining to them.
Discipline Consequences
A consistent, fair, and progressive, discipline policy is our priority. We work to benefit all students by providing a safe and welcoming environment that is conducive to learning and socializing. We use Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to provide students with a consistent, predictable environment, as well as tools and skills to manage behavior. Staff and administration will (when appropriate) take a Restorative Justice approach as a response to misbehavior, and a team approach to reengaging students into the school community. When harm or “disrespect” has occurred, Restorative Justice is a way to empower both the person that was harmed and the person causing the harm. The process involves an adult facilitated mediation between both parties in what is called a restorative circle. When necessary, we expect parents and guardians to be prepared to participate in these “circles” in some cases when their student is in need of disciplinary intervention. These circles are intended to be a learning opportunity for all involved, and are not a forum to place blame or seek retribution. Additional information regarding discipline can be found in the Highline Public Schools Student Calendar with Rights & Responsibilities and at under School Board/Policies & Procedures.
Dress Code
Sylvester Middle School adheres to the dress code established by the Highline School District Board. We expect all of our students to help create that environment. Dress and appearance play a significant role in creating a comfortable place for all students. To promote this comfortable and safe atmosphere, all clothing should be non-offensive to all staff and students. They must be free from vulgarity, profanity, drug and alcohol advertising, and gang affiliation. In addition, all attire, including body piercing(s), must not present health or safety problems or cause disruption to the educational process. The administration reserves the right to restrict appearance and attire with special consideration for safety, health, or disruptive issues. We appreciate the understanding, cooperation, and support of parents, as decisions are made in the selection of clothing and manner of dress. Students that do not adhere to the dress code will be required to wear alternative clothing provided by the office. Please observe the following guidelines.
- Shoes are to be worn at all times. Opened toed shoes and slides are discouraged for safety reasons.
- Clothing with inappropriate language or any reference to tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or gang affiliation (including bandanas) is not allowed.
- Shorts, skirts, and dresses are to be long enough to maintain modesty while standing or sitting. These items should reach at least mid–thigh.
- Shirts are to meet the waistband of skirts, pants or shorts, even when students move or bend. Undergarments are to be covered at all times.
- Pants should not have to be held up with a hand when walking. The waistband of the pants must be worn at the waist or top of hip line.
- PJs or garments designed to be sleeping in and blankets are not to be worn/brought to school.
- Piercing(s) must not present health or safety issues to the individual or other students.
Wearing of heavy chains from the waist (such as wallet waist attachments) and other long, large noise items or inappropriate symbols is not permitted.
Ending The Day
The official close of the day is 2:35PM, after which students may go directly home by walking, pickup, or riding the school bus, stay after school to work with a teacher, attend an after-school club/activity, or turn out for sports. Students are expected to clear the building and be off campus by 3:00 PM unless they are staying for a school activity. There will be an activity bus departing Sylvester at 4:30PM (times may vary), Monday through Thursday, for those students staying after school.
Energy Drinks and Other Caffeinated Beverages
Energy drinks and other caffeinated beverages are not allowed at Sylvester Middle School in accordance with Highline Public Schools Nutrition Procedure 6700 Policy Details - Highline Public Schools (
Fines may be assessed to a student’s account for a variety of reasons, including unreturned or damaged items. These items would include tools, books, instruments and many other kinds of instructional materials. If you lose or damage school equipment, you will be fined a fair repair or replacement value. If you are using school equipment or materials and they are stolen from you, it is your responsibility to pay for them.
Please note: Fees/fines must be paid before a student can receive a yearbook at Sylvester. Also, fees/fines accrued from K-8 will remain on the student’s account through high school and may prevent participation in some high school activities, such as sports, dances, and graduation.
Fighting/Fighting Involvement
Students found to be fighting or found to be involved in any way are subject to immediate disciplinary action, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion. The safety of our students is of utmost importance. If a student hears that a fight might occur, or if a fight is happening, they are expected to notify a teacher or administrator immediately.
NOTE: Recording fights on cell phones or other electronic devices is prohibited and will also be subject to disciplinary action.
Definition of Fighting
As written in the Highline School Districts’ Student Conduct Violations, fighting is defined as, “Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to another person”, this also includes failure to disperse, and failure to report a fight that a student is aware of.
Fire Alarm Tampering
Any person who willfully and without cause tampers with any public fire alarm apparatus, or sounds any false alarm of fire, by shouting in a public place or by means of any public or private fire alarm system, or signal, or by telephone, is guilty of a misdemeanor according to RCW 9.4.100 Any student that commits this offense may be asked to meet with fire department officials in order to understand the severity of the crime and also may be asked to pay for any fine the school is assessed when a false fire alarm pull has occurred.
Graphing Calculators
Each student at Sylvester Middle School will be given the opportunity to use a TI-83 graphing calculator to study many aspects of mathematics. With this use comes great responsibility as each calculator is valued at over $100.00. Although the calculators are sturdy, proper handling is expected for optimal learning.
The following expectations apply to in-class use.
- Calculators are used ONLY for the purpose stated by the teacher for the day’s lesson.
- Students will use the calculator assigned to them and return it to good condition at the end of class.
- Typing messages on the calculators is not permitted.
- Playing unauthorized games during class is not permitted
Hall Behavior Expectations
Goal: The Sylvester Middle School Hallways will be safe, quiet, and comfortable places to use where all people interact with respect, integrity, and empathy. We expect Sylvester students to act with P.R.I.D.E.
Rules of Conduct:
- Students should move around campus and from class to class in a smooth, safe manner, directly to and from their destination. During the 4 minute passing period, students can walk and talk with peers, but they are expected to keep moving in the direction of the next class on their assigned schedule.
- Students are expected to use appropriate language with others, and greet each other in positive ways.
- Students should find ways to help others feel safe and welcome, avoiding disruption by walking and keeping hands and feet to themselves.
- Food and drink should be consumed in the cafeteria only, not in halls, classrooms, or outside (unless given permission by an adult). Students are expected to keep the hallways and walkways clean.
- Students are expected to use school appropriate language to communicate without the use of profanity.
Hallways are CLOSED to students before 8:05, after 2:40 and during lunches, the first 10 minutes of classes, last 10 minutes of classes and last 20 minutes of the school day.
High Risk or Disruptive Non-Essential School Items
Certain items are NOT to be brought to school due to their disruptive potential. In addition, they become the targets of theft and pranks which consume large amounts of office time trying to resolve the problem. If any item is deemed to be disruptive, it will be collected and secured. Items will be returned to students when a parent comes to claim them or on the last day of school.
The following is a sample, but incomplete list, of such items! Do not bring items like the following to school
- Large sums of money
- Electronic games
- Laser pens
- Squirt guns, air guns
- Cards, dice, gambling devices
- Dolls, stuffed animals, pacifiers
- Toys, souvenirs, handcuffs, large chains, collections
Use of cell phones and electronics will not be permitted, at any time, during the school day on the Sylvester campus. If electronics of any kind (cell phones, iPods, etc.) are brought to school, it is at the student’s risk. If cell phones and/or electronic items are brought to school and stolen, lost or damaged, the school will not be responsible for investigating, recovery or damages. All electronics (including -- but not limited to –cellphones and personal tablets) are required to be out of sight during class and passing periods, cell phones need to be placed on silent, earbuds may be used only when directed by a staff member and for instructional purposes, they should be turned off and put away at all other times. Disruptive items out during unpermitted times will be collected by school teachers or staff.
In addition to items that are disruptive by nature in the classroom, Washington State law prohibits the following items on the school campus. Possession of such items will result in appropriate actions, these actions include, Administrative Response, In-School Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension Short-term Suspension, Out-of-School Suspension Long-term Suspension, or Expulsion.
- Drugs, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, inhalants, cigarette lighters, matches, tobacco products, and look-a-likes.
- Explosive devices, including firecrackers, fireballs, stink bombs, lighters, matches, etc.
- Gang paraphernalia such as rags, bandanas.
- Weapons, look-a-like weapons, guns, knives, and/or other items designed or easily used to cause physical harm.
Lending and Borrowing Items at School
An on-going middle school issue is the problem of lending and borrowing. Please understand that if students lend money, jackets, jewelry, items of clothing, electronic devices, or other items to each other, the school cannot and will not become involved in the recovery of those unreturned items. Parents, please discourage your child from lending or borrowing anything at school!
View Academic Progress Online
Report Cards
Grade reports are issued on a quarterly basis. Report cards will be issued quarterly and mailed each semester. Questions related to grade reports should be directed to either of the following, the students grade level counselor, advisor, or the specific classroom educator. Currently, Sylvester is using standards based grading, more information can be found on the Highline Public Schools website Grading - Highline Public Schools ( Teacher comments are also helpful in interpreting the grades indicated.
- The final score for each essential standard is determined by its last assessment
- Final grade is determined by the average score across the course’s essential standards
- Final score for each standard is averaged to calculate an overall 1-4 for the course
- Grades below 1.6 are coded as NC (no credit) and do not affect a student’s GPA
All aspects of the report card are to be examined by students and their parents to determine areas of success as well as areas needing improvement.
Teacher Classroom Expectations
In addition to meeting school-wide PBIS expectations, each classroom teacher at Sylvester has specific classroom expectations that align with exuding P.R.I.D.E. and expectations that apply to his/her curriculum situation. It is the responsibility of each student to learn these expectations during the first week of classroom instruction.
Typical classroom expectations will include but not limited to the following:
- Having all needed materials
- Knowing the learning targets
- Using appropriate language with others
- Listening when others are speaking
- Being academically honest
- Modeling digital citizenship
- Asking for help when needed
- Believing in one’s ability to succeed
- Considering diverse ideas
- Being aware of my and other’s well-being
Textbooks are an important tool used in your education. They are fragile and expensive. Students issued textbooks in their classes are responsible for keeping them in good condition. Any damage “above and beyond normal wear and tear” will result in a fine up to the cost of replacing the textbook. Since they are responsible for any damage or loss of textbooks, students are reminded not to loan textbooks assigned to them to other students.
Visitors on Campus
Student Conduct Code
Student behavior at Sylvester Middle School falls under the guidance of Highline Public Schools Rights & Responsibilities. Each student receives a copy of these documents and is expected to know and put into action all content. All students are expected a ensure Sylvester is a safe and welcoming community and are held to the highest standard in enacting our conduct code.
Sylvester conduct code expects students to exude P.R.I.D.E:
- Purpose – Meaningful and intentional actions towards a specific goal.
- Respect – Showing consideration for people, places, and things.
- Integrity – Being consistently honest even when no one is looking.
- Determination – Not giving up when things are difficult and bringing our best.
- Empathy – Understanding and sharing the feelings of another by putting yourself in their position.
Responsible and Respectful Behavior:
Students are expected to exude pride with others including all adult personnel working at and for Sylvester Middle School or the Highline School District. Below is how students exude pride in all spaces at Sylvester.
Students can report unsafe or criminal activities occurring at school to an administrator or by calling the Highline Hotline at 206-631-7600 and leaving an anonymous message.
Sylvester Middle School Rules & Code of Ethics for Computer Users
As a Sylvester computer user, I agree to follow the rules and code of ethics in all of my work with computers while attending
Sylvester Middle School.
- I will read and sign the Highline School District’s Student Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) before I use the computers.
- I recognize that all computer users have the same right to use the equipment; therefore, I will ask the teacher for permission each time I want to use the computer and to access the Internet.
- I will ask permission from teachers to use personal email accounts each time I would like to view email.
- I will not waste nor take supplies, such as paper, printer cartridges, and USB drives that are provided by Sylvester Middle School; and when I am in a computer lab, I will talk softly and work in ways that will not disturb other users.
- I will use the computers for educational purposes only.
- I recognize that software is protected by copyright laws; therefore, I will not make unauthorized copies of software found on school computers, either by copying them onto my own electronic device or onto other computers through electronic mail or bulletin boards; and I will not give, lend, or sell copies of software to others unless I have the written permission of the copyright owner or the original software is clearly identified as shareware or in the public domain.
- I recognize also that the work of all users is valuable; therefore, I will protect the privacy of others' areas by not trying to learn their passwords; I will not copy, change, read, or use files in another user’s area; I will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to system programs or computer equipment; I will not use computer systems to disturb or harass other computer users by sending unwanted mail or by other means; and I will not download information onto the hard drives of any Sylvester Middle School computer for permanent storage. I will download information onto an electronic device if planning to store the information for more than one week.
- I will not go to any inappropriate site (example: pornography) and will report to the teacher if any inappropriate content comes on my screen.
- Violations of the Rules and Code of Ethics described above will be dealt with seriously. Violators will lose computer privileges. Criminal charges could also apply.
Highline School District's Student Acceptable use policy (AUP)
User Accountabilities:
Use of the electronic resources provided by the Highline School District is an expectation and a privilege. Where they are available, these resources are offered to staff, students, and other patrons. In order to maintain this privilege, end users agree to learn and comply with all of the provisions of these procedures.
All use of the electronic resources must be in support of educational and research objectives consistent with the mission and objectives of the Highline School District.
All use of the electronic resources must be in compliance with district policies, local, state and federal laws; thus allowing the school district to meet requirements (i.e., FCC CIPA compliance).
CIPA UPDATE/Internet Safety Instruction
All students will have access to information to be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.
- Age appropriate materials will be made available for use across grade levels.
- Access to training materials for online safety and implementation will be made available for administration, staff and families.
Suitable Consumption
- Creation of files, projects, videos, web pages, podcasts, and other activities using electronic resources, in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the District.
- Participation in electronic communication and collaboration activities such as blogs, wikis, podcasts, email, and other activities using electronic resources, in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the District.
- With parent permission, posting of student-created original educational material, curriculum-related materials, and student work. Sources outside the classroom or school must be appropriately cited and all copyright laws must be followed.
- End user consumption of resources for incidental personal use must be in accordance with all District policies and guidelines.
- Connection of any personal electronic device is subject to all guidelines in this document.
- Proper codes of conduct in electronic communication must be used. Providing personal information is inappropriate; when using electronic communications, extreme caution must always be taken in revealing any information of a personal nature.
- All electronic resource accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account for the authorized purpose.
- All communications and information accessible via electronic resources should be assumed to be public records and, barring a privilege, they will be disclosed.
- As a representative of your school and community, exemplary behavior while using electronic resources should be practiced.
Undesirable Usage
- Providing unauthorized personal information such as an address or phone number.
- Contributing to the actions of or related to the action of sexting or delivery of pornography.
- Contributing to cyberbullying, hate mail, chain letters, harassment, discriminatory remarks, and other antisocial behaviors.
- Using profanity, obscenity, racist terms, or other language that may be offensive to another user.
- Failure to use secure and strong passwords to protect inappropriate access to district resources.
- Any use of the electronic resources for individual profit or gain; for product advertisement; for political action or political activities; or for excessive personal use.
- Playing games, accessing blocked social networking sites, and streaming or downloading audio and video files, protected by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and Movie Licensing USA, unless specifically authorized by a teacher for instructional purposes.
- Intentionally seeking information on, obtaining copies of, or modifying files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users, or misrepresenting other users on the electronic resources.
- Using an electronic resources account authorized for another person.
- Making use of the electronic resources in a manner that serves to disrupt the use of the network by others.
- Destroying, modifying, or abusing hardware and/or software.
- Unauthorized downloading or installation of any software, including shareware and freeware, for use on Highline School District electronic resources.
- Downloading, copying, otherwise duplicating, and/or distributing copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner. Exceptions are made when duplication and/or distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such duplication and/or distribution would fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, USC).
- Sending inappropriate electronic communication to other end users via mail lists, groups, or on sites to which the end user does not belong. Example includes sending to an “ALL” email list or lists for a school or student group in which the sender does not belong and does not have authorization from the administrator to communicate with said recipients, as well as the posting of other people’s individual information on one’s personal site or another’s site without permission.
- Using electronic resources to access or process pornographic material, inappropriate files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the network.
- Malicious use of the electronic resources to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage the software components of a computer or computing system.
- Any attempts to defeat or bypass the District’s Internet filter by using or trying to use proxies, anonymizers, https, special ports, modification to District browser settings or any other techniques, designed to avoid being blocked from inappropriate content or to conceal Internet activity.
- Using any electronic resources for unlawful purposes.
Highline School District Rights and Accountabilities
The Highline School District recognizes its obligation to protect the well-being of students in its charge. To this end, the district retains the following rights:
- To log electronic resource use and to monitor file server space utilization by users, and assume no responsibility or liability for files deleted due to violation of fileserver space allotments.
- To monitor the use of electronic resource activities. This may include real-time monitoring of network activity and/or maintaining a log of Internet activity for later review.
- To provide internal and external controls as appropriate, including the right to determine who will have access to Highline School District-owned equipment.
- To exclude those who do not abide by the Highline School District's Electronic Information System (K-20 Network) and Electronic Information System (Networks – Procedures) resources policy or other policies governing the use of school facilities, equipment, and materials.
- To restrict electronic resource destinations through software or other means.
- To provide guidelines and make reasonable efforts to train staff and students in acceptable use and policies governing electronic resource communications.
- To monitor and maintain mailing list subscriptions and to delete files from the personal mail directories to avoid excessive use of fileserver hard-disk space.
- To use filtering software to block or filter access to visual depictions that are obscene and all child pornography in accordance with CIPA. Other objectionable material may be filtered. The determination of what constitutes “objectionable” material is a local decision determined by the District's educational goals.
Sanctions for Violations
Any activity that violates the content of this policy should be reported to the school administrator. Disciplinary action, if any, for the students, staff, and other users shall be consistent with the District’s standard policies and procedures. Violations of this policy can constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of access to Highline School District electronic resources, other employee or school disciplinary action, and/or other appropriate legal or criminal action including restitution, if appropriate. End users shall be subject to the sanctions of WAC 180-40, et seq., as appropriate.
Highline School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular activities. Highline Public Schools also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Any person having inquiries should contact:
- Civil Rights Act (students) and Title IX: District Ombudsman, 206.631.3100,;
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act: Health & Social Services Compliance Manager, 206.631.3011,
- Address: 15675 Ambaum Blvd. SW, Burien, WA 98166